Sunday, July 31, 2011

I'm Moving!

After a lot of soul searching, I decided that maybe I needed to look further than my own backyard for a job. So, I was offered a position at the Canadian International School in Tokyo as the school librarian and language support teacher.

If you're still reading and interested, please join me for the adventure and read about it all at my new blog:

Hope to see you there :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I'm here!!!!!

Wait, I'm gone again! Blogger sucks!!! We'll see if I come back this time :)

Friday, September 3, 2010

The Old Switcheroo

Hey it's me--long time no see (or in blog terms, no write!). I've been having a summer with some highs but mostly lows. A lot of it has to do with my continued dry spell in finding a full time position. It also has to do with not being particularly happy with "me".

I'm giving this blog a rest. A change is needed in many areas of my life. When I started my blog, the intent had been for me to get back to writing. It became a healthy lifestyle one and then a gardening one and now just a miscellaneous one. So, I'm going to focus on my other blog and if you're still here, I'd love to have you visit me at:

Wishing you and me too! all the best :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Too Long!

I can't believe how long since I've made a visit to blog world! Life has been busy with its ups and downs. I'm trying to focus on the things that I want from my life and a major hangup in my achieving those things is fear. Fear of applying for that job because I might actually get a call for an interview! Fear of making that trip because something could happen!

So, the one thing that I've always wanted to do is visit the Holy Land. Not only because of my faith but because I love history and it doesn't get too much more historical. I'm thinking of this fall or maybe early next year. Have any of you been or know of someone that's gone? I would love to hear from people who have been on tours and which they would or wouldn't recommend.

Hope that you are all well and enjoying the dog days of summer :)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Let Freedom Ring!

So proud and thankful that we live in 2 amazing and free countries! Enjoy the first and the fourth and celebrate what we have :)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Thank You!

Thanks to everyone who left such kind and encouraging comments--you're all awesome! My mother came home yesterday after a rather uncomfortable week at the hospital. She has angina and now knows that she needs to be more watchful for her health. I think so many times, we take it for granted! Don't let it get to such a point that you have to suffer from something as serious as a heart attack.

Thank you all again. It was and is greatly appreciated :)

Friday, June 11, 2010

My Mom

I know that I don't have too many readers out there but those of you who come and leave comments are so appreciated! My mother was admitted into the hospital yesterday after suffering a mild heart attack. She'll be there for some time while they run tests and decided what needs to be done. It's pretty common now for any number of heart procedures but because of her kidneys there are more risks.

The best reason of all for staying fit and eating healthy--not developing a chronic illness such as diabetes that brings with it a multitude of additional risks!

Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers--they are appreciated so much :)